Our Pre-School Division Envisions Perfect Blend of Age-Old Method of Gurukula System of Self Development and Montessori method of Education techniques, thereby ensuring blossoming of young kids to negotiate the complex challanges of modern life, routed in our cultural ethos.
NCET (aff.CMA)- TBDP trained children are able to do calculation faster than the speed of a computer. Children are trained to convert the numbers in to images. The process of fast mental calculation through images is the end result activation of their subconscious mind.
Teaching is a divine profession. Teachers are our Nation builders-the strength of every profession in our country grows out of the knowledge and skills that teachers help to instill in our children. By providing quality based & value based education, we mould highly talented Nation builders.
It is said that beauty begins from inside. At NCET, we believe that it is the essence of this inner beauty that would make up a good beautician simply because a beautiful mind will be relaxed and open to all the cute and creative things around, thus giving an eye for things that are elegant.